Where is part one? Well it's somewhere in my iPhone! I was posting and ran into some issues and it would not post so its somewhere in space and par for the course considering the content!
So Today I had to go to the doc in the box to get some medication to help me not be so anxious. Which also means help me to restrain my temper and not make mad calls to irresponsible siblings in the middle of the night while I am loosing sleep over me Madre! But that's another post all together!
Where was I? Oh I know. I was telling you (whoever is reading this) about my day. So yesterday started off pretty typical. I won't bore you with the details. The "fun" started about 10am as I sat in Mom's hospital room filled with not nearly enough roses to mask the scent of mildew and the unmistakable aroma of old people, urine, and other unpleasant odors... when I found out positively that my sweet helpless Mother has indeed contracted MRSA staph infection. This is the really nasty strain that people, not just sick people, die from! Thanks to the very nice, shout out to Roya, respitory therapist who is actually civil and I dare say down right sweet! The same is not true for 90 % of the remaining staff! So as I sit there in the I'm-covered-in-countless-germs green armchair with narey a glove, mask, or gown on.. I think to myself shouldn't I be protected?! The rare nice nurse - Stephanie - comes in and I proceed to inquire about the additional garb I should probably adorm myself with. She's not so concerned. Tells me "hey it's ok. She's not coughing up anything. You're fine just don't touch her trach area." Ok sure I say who wants to sit around in plastic all day anyway?
So I'm having a happy little time but sadly I'm out of coffee. I leave Mom to go down the hall to refill my favorite mug with fresh Joe. And here's where it gets ugly. And I mean no disrepect to the family of the nice old man outside the nurses station. So, I'm happy (think smurf tune)"la la la la gonna get some coffee....happy happy me". When what do I see but a crowd of staff in this man's room and the Nurse is on top of him administering chest compressions. It was very heroic to see them all working so hard to save this mans life. And here I was just wanting coffee. I said a prayer for him, his family, the nurses, and the multitude of other folk doing their best. Got my coffee and went back to Moms room.
Did I mention Mom is back to herself. This means she is inpatient and needy. And that was all before she became ill! When I say needy I mean no disrepect to Mom either she just wants to be loved and acts of service is her love language as is mine by the way which is why we dont work that well together. We both want to be served!!!! So anyway I get back in Moms room and she is fussing at me to call the nurses. I'm like hello there's a man's life they're trying to save. You can wait to be turned on your side!
Roya the sweet Resp. Therapist returns. She is sad. Apparently, her patient didn't make it. I talk to her and attempt to console her. She is now suctioning Mom's trach. I am sitting in the lovely green chair about to have my first sip of coffee... Mom coughs and sends secretions/spewtum/MRSA all over the room!!!! All over me, the window, herself, Roya, the bed, i t i s e-v-e-r-ywhere! Oh and remember the lovely conversation with the nice nurse... yeah that's right I've got nothing on for protection... I'm like a catholic school girl at the prom with Brad Pitt!
Oh and poor Roya she's had a rough morning. She had gloves on but that was it. Inside I am FREAKING out. But I play it cool. I clean up the debris field with antiseptic wipes and wipe myself. Roya has now donned the lovely garb befitting the visit to my Mom's room. And I must now make my exit known to my poor Mother who was only graced with my presence for a mere hour and a half. I gently tell her that I need to go so I can clean up before I pick the girls up from school. She seems ok with that and I leave.
FYI if ya get some MRSA on you... run run to the shower, bathe in germkilling acid and trash your clothes. Thankfully I did NOT have my favorite shirt on. Because it would be long gone now!!
My in-laws picked up the girls from school and took them home with them. I went home and proceeded to have a nice little panic attack. Hence today's post. And that my friend is why God created antianxiety medications! Because seeing people die and getting deathly infections coughed on you cannot be soothed by all the RNC or NFL on TV no matter how awesome Sarah Palin is!!!
Hello world!
5 years ago
1 comment:
Wow Stacey! We are praying for you daily! I miss your stories over VBS decorations :) I felt like we were back there again....except no deadly diseases around :)
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