Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quick Blog

Ahhh I am headed to the grocery store. Why? Because I've been captive in my house all week with two sick children and am completely out of groceries. However, I am thinking the same will not be true for the rest of the rednecks out there who heard that there is a remote chance that we will get some snow tonight. Now all the stores will be out of bread, milk and eggs. And I just need to get my shopping done! Pray for me.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Pause.... And Walk Away

It's always nice when someone points out encouraging habits you may possess. I like to hear my praises sung. Who doesn't? You know... things like "Gee Beav you're a swell guy." However, (here I purposely avoided the use of the word but since it is often the cause of much trouble) My sweet husband has pointed out to me one not so glorifying habit of mine. Not that this is the only one by any means! Ya see the thing is that I talk a lot. No shocker there. I not only talk a lot but I like to talk to several people at the same time and not necessarily about the same topic or even in the same conversation! Confused? Let me break it down. Let's say I was talking to "Pam" about her weekend and how she had a plumbing problem. And then I see "Melissa" who I haven't seen in ages walk up and start talking to "Julie". So now Pam and I are having a conversation and Melissa and Julie are also. Here's where it gets tricky. I am now talking to Pam and listening intently simultaneously to Melissa and Julie. I have caught every word of it. And now I realize Melissa, who I haven't seen in forever, is leaving. Yikes! Pam and I are still talking and we are also wrapping things up. At least I think we are. We have a pause in our conversation and I choose to initiate a conversation with Melissa. I have not said excuse me to Pam or goodbye even. I just walk away and start talking to Melissa. So it goes from "So anyway I got my father in law to fix the sink. " And in my mind I hear "pause, conversation wrapped up, concluding statement" TO "Hey Melissa!" This is what my husband pointed out to me. And I have aptly named "pausing and walking away". Of course the part about me having multiple conversations is also true but I fear far too complicated to explain at this time. Because I have already depleted a serious amount of your time messing with your head about this first issue. I hope you are not thinking that I for a second was not completely engaged in my conversation. It's just that my skill set as an interpreter has created this undying ability. Also, it's rather efficient and fun! I know I am not the only woman out there that does this! Also, I am going to work on saying things like " excuse me " and "pardon me" and " good bye" before I walk away. Pause...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I support the Mom of Octuplets!

Yes, I am against large public opinion that this woman is among other things selfish and irresponsible. Hello people! Since when did we become so insensitive and aggresiously arrogant that we only applaud when intelligent people have children. At some point it became irresponsible for the poor to procreate. Now only smart educated people are allowed to have children? This is so ridiculous. Sure 14 children is a lot. There's no denying that. And I certainly wish that there was a father in the picture. And maybe she really does have some mental issues. But there is no law against having children if you're IQ falls below a certain level. Or at least not yet. So far we still allow mentally disabled people to procreate. And we don't force them to be steralized yet! And here now are all these babies and the country has decided NOT to help them because their mother seems like she is opportunistic. Well excuse me but if I knew 9 months ago that I was about to bring 8 babies into the world I too would be planning a way to get help in whatever way I could! Then of course there are those who say she should have chosen to abort some of them. What? It is a freaking miracle that all 8 of them were born healthy! That ALL eight of them survived! That there were no serious complications! What an incredible gift that God blessed her for whatever reason with EIGHT babies plus the other 6 at home. He has a plan for them. No matter how crazy and foolish their mother may be. I am so thankful that America is still a free democratic society where people can choose to have as many children as they want! And why is it you suppose that its all these liberal big government people who are so vehemtly objecting to this woman's lifestyle? Aren't they the ones that promote welfare and government assistance? Or is that just supposed to go to wealthy politicians? Once again there is no law that stupid people can't have babies!! So shut up your whining and let this woman alone. Or better yet lend her not so smart self a hand and send her some diapers!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Great Theologians! (think scooby doo and try it again)

I am Presbyterian PCA. In my theological studies I have read, listened to, been preached by, and discussed many great theologians. But, let's face I'm just a girl and my brain is often too full to listen to all the fine details. I'm more of a big picture kinda thinker. And more than often I listen to the extent with which I think the content may have personal ramifications for myself and those around me. That's not to say I don't pay attention to the details. It's just that sometimes the historical context may get lost on me. Even though I love history. For example, some people study Calvin, Luther and even Piper to the extent where they know his birthdate where he grew up, schools attended, mother/father relationships etc. Much like the rest of us study the life of Jesus in the Bible and Paul. Then these same folks quote the aforementioned theologians "religiously" if I may. Please hear me that I am not saying there is anything wrong with all this grandizing and quoting and the such. But here is what I AM saying. And I know for a fact that I am NOT the only one who up until today thought this. John Piper did not live during, about, or around the time of Calvin, Luther, Tolkein, or Lewis! John Piper was born in 1946, which makes him the same age as my Dad. He is indeed not dead although he is quoted and reffered to as though he were!! So from now on I will try to make a note at the end of not dead people with nd. Now you may all laugh and think how uneducated I must be! But think for a moment... I had you all fooled and hung in your midst and you never knew! Thoughts from Stacey Fischer ND.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Aaaaaaahhhhh My head hurts!

Guess what! My 8 year whines a lot. She always has and probably always will. So sad. Guess what else? ME TOO!! Yes I am a whiner. It is an incurable disease. There are no known treatments at this time and it is quite possibly contagious! It is Definitely hereditary as I have clearly passed it on to my eldest daughter. Thankfully, though it appears that it can lay dormant for many years in others... as evidenced by my youngest who is 6 and has yet to exhibit any symptoms. This could be that she has witnessed the incessant whining of both her sister and Mother and therefore is unable to participate out of shear lack of opportunity. Because surely whatever the case may be we would have beaten her to the "whine". Early on in life I just assumed I had just cause to whine and therefore it must have been some inherit right with which I was blessed. However, at some point I had to grow up and therefore seemingly have less cause to whine. So why has the disease not subsided?! Aah alas there was some time when it lay in remission. Strangely, though it manifest itself again shortly after I had children. I cannot begin to imagine the correlation!

Monday, February 2, 2009


OK So why is the American Girl Doll company trying to make my life more difficult?! I mean really! Santa brought my daughter the Molly doll for Christmas and she has been perfectly satisfied with her lovely and I might add overpriced doll. Until of course her "friends" begin to compare their dolls. And lo and behold what did she discover? The brilliant and wise doll makers stamp the back of the neck on each of their prized possessions. Great, no problem. Excellent decision on their part. This maintains the integrity of their product and prevents knock offs from passing as the real deal. Lovely! Splendid idea!
The only problem is that they are apparently NOT stamping all the dolls with the same stamp!! So, for example my neighbor's doll's neck stamp is American Girl llc or something like that. My daughter's doll's neck stamp is Pleasant Company. This is the original name of the American Girl doll company. Apparently, they changed the stamp in 2005. So, why in the world does our Molly doll (purchased directly from the AG website in 2008) have the Pleasant Company stamp?!! I have no idea!!
I went to their website and researched all over the internet today in an attempt to unravel the mystery. To no avail. I found one site with a semi-reasonable explanation which I read aloud to my doubting daughters. This seemed to appease them for now.

This is not a life crisis. There are certainly more important and pressing matters in the world to deal with. It's just sad when your child comes to you crying because she thinks Santa put a knock off in a AG Box and added to the deceit!