38 Days is how long my Mom has been in the hospital consecutively! And we are all growing very tired. I am blogging here today because my computer has been crippled by some spyware which no doubt is the result of allowing other people (who will remain nameless) to use and load programs on my pc. So now I have to reinstall everything. And by that I mean my husband. I was attempting to print things off for work but hey.. I dont have excel or my print driver yet!
I have about a million things to do for my Mom today not the least of which involves a trip to less desirable areas of town to get a copy of her birth certificate! Also I really need to call her insurance company and her doctor and find out what the future holds as far as treatment and care options. This is just such a complicated mess.
Oh and my roof is leaking right above my desk! Along with the dining room and who knows where else.
My verse of the day is Isaiah 40:31
"but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint."
Mostly this is the verse I am claiming for my Mom so that she would be able to have the strength to walk again and to be patient while we wait for that to happen.
Hello world!
5 years ago
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