Have you heard of the whole "Parachute" analogy? Somebody somewhere wrote a book to help people discover their purpose (job) in life and they dubbed the process discovering "What Color is Your Parachute?" Well, let me just say that in my process of researching a parachute image for this post I discovered that most all parachutes are not just one color! So this leads me to ponder... what the heck kind of box is this author trying out people in? Of course, I can say all this because I haven't actually read the book. Although, I think I picked it up to read. But it doesn't really interest me because I know my purpose in life and what kind of job God has called me to. However, this is not the case for many people and I get that.
So here's a question for whoever is reading this. Recently, and I mean like yesterday, my husband decided, prompted by a coworker, that he would try to figure out what color his parachute is. Of course, it's GREEN! Hello?! For those that know my sweetie pie you will totally get that he is green. But not in a global warming kinda way. Anywho, so besides the fact that it's green I happen to know what it is. That's to say that I indeed believe I know what his "calling" is in life. Besides being my undying love, faithful servant and personal home remodeler! What I don't know is if I should tell him what it is. That may sound selfish that I am keeping it from him. Although, you may think do I really know what it is? I know I am sounding a little sure of myself but that's MY gift. I am thinking self discovery may be the best process for him to figure it out. And that through this process he will discover more than just what he wants to be when he grows up.
So, those are my thoughts for this morning. Stay tuned for more craziness. The Pajama part of the title was just catchy. I don't really have anything to say about said jammies. Except that maybe I am not in mine! Are you?